A Kind of Intimacy: On A Precise Tenderness

by TINA ZAFREEN ALAM I was moved by Kalamu ya Salaam’s A Precise Tenderness: One Hundred Haiku (Third World Press, 2023) as a title before I even read the first haiku. Seeing precision and tenderness next to one another sparks a productive tension for me akin to the excitement I feel when stepping into the unknown. The unknown is exciting for me because it’s the place where all possibilities lie. On first reading the title, I found myself wondering how[Read more]

Dreams/Seeing sun

by JULIET EZEPUE Dreams | Seeing sun Dreams Dreams begin here. With people like you. Sitting and pondering. Drinking and eating. Laughing and living. Loving and living Life, our way. A dream, to sit by the ocean and think for self. To live among others like you Keeping things, worth keeping. To simply live. For where dreams begin, Life lives, our way. I am in a space between dreaming and living. top Seeing sun I watched you the other night,wondered[Read more]